Thursday, March 31, 2011

Entry 22

Exercise 2.14 
Place the move() statement inside the if-statement, rather than after it.
Find out what is the effect and explain the behavior you observe. 

To this step, you need to know what the if-statement is. The if-statement is 
    public void act()
        if ( atWorldEdge() )
So you can see that the if-statement is if (blahblah() ) and depending on what you put inside the bracket, your crab will move differently. However, you need to put a boolbean inside the bracket. Meaning that something that the computer could say true or false

Then, let's do what it tells you to do. Since it says that you need to put move() inside the if-statement.
see the 'move'? 

and then when you press compile, ... 

Gah I hate those Deathly Yellow highlighter !!!
And as you can see from the screen, something is wrong

After changing that code at least five times, Dr. D told me that you can't put move inside 
the if-statement. You can't put move inside because you need to put a situation that Java can understand. 
So in the previous blog post, I wrote atWorldEdge() and it worked because I am giving the Java a situation when it can move. 
So if I write 

public void act()
        if ( atWorldEdge() )

It means that the crab would move if  it is at the WorldEdge
However, since I typed 

public void act()
        if ( move )
Meaning that the crab would move if it is at the move, 
It is totally OBVIOUS why it kept  on doing the Deathly highlighter
Bahahahahahah silly me !

(RE) Example 2.14 
Place the move() statement inside the if-statement, rather than after it. 
Find out what is the effect and explain the behavior you observe. 
The code for that is 

import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, and Greenfoot)

 * This class defines a crab. Crabs live on the beach.
public class Crab extends Animal
    public void act()
        if ( atWorldEdge() )
And since we put this crab to move only if the crab is atWorldEdge, the crab only moves when I locate it on the edge. And it only moves. meaning that the crab doesn't do anything more than to just 'move' and to stop when it lands on a corner of the worldEdge
 So to make the crab to turn around the worldedge the whole time, I am going to add another code. 
       if ( atWorldEdge() )
This code allows the crab to turn if it is on the worldedge, and move until it meets the worldedge again.

So from completing all the exercises, I has finished the chapter TWO
(to be continued)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Entry 21

Exercise 2.5
Make the crab turn left 
Yeah I did it like I wrote on my last post! :) I wrote a negative number, and got it turned left. 
Exercise 2.6
Try different values for N by using the move() and turn (N)
I changed the move number to -5 from -45. After I changed it, the crab started to slowly move left. 
Exercise 2.7 
Removing the semicolon after move() (It is a exercise to learn about errors)
It makes a yellow highlighting thing. It also makes the yellow highlighting every time you do a spelling error, semicolon error, and random changes on the code. 

Exercise 2.8 
Marking various changes to cause different error messages. 

So when you make a error, usually, at the bottom of the screen, it tells you what is wrong. 
Since I didn't but a semicolon, it shows at the bottom what you should do. Also when I misspell, 

It shows "maybe you meant" and stuff. 

Exercise 2.9 
Switch to documentation view, find how many methods does the class have 
To change the documentation view, you have the press the left corner of the screen.
and from my screen, it looks like my crab only has one method. To check what method you have, looking under method summary, it shows you a lot of things. 

* In the method page, the three important methods for me right now are
boolbean atWorldEdge()
test if we are close to one of the edges of the world
void move()
move forward in the current direction
void turn (int angle)
Turn "angle" degrees toward the right (clockwise)
is when it answers with true or false

Exercise 2.10 
Clicking boolean at WorldEdge when the crab isn't on the edge of the world 
You might not be able to see, but it says 'false'. Since it is not at the world edge 

Exercise 2.11
Clicking boolean when the crab is on the edge

Since the crab is at the world edge, it shows 'true'

So since the crab just goes around the edge, let's make the crab to turn around when it goes the the world edge.
To do that, in the code, we put 

        if ( atWorldEdge() )
            turn (17) ;
        move ();

which simply meaning that we are ordering the crab to move when it goes to the world edge. 
But the crab isn't that accurate when it goes on the edge of the world. So I think I need to work on that. 

Exercise 2.12 
Try to make the crab turn at the world edge 
Yes. I did it. By the code above

Exercise 2.13 
Experiment with different values for the parameter to the turn method
I think 100 is fine. 
Exercise 2.14 
Place the move() statement inside the if-statement, rather than after it. 
Find out what is the effect and explain the behavior you observe. 

From today's work, I learned a lot of things. 
I think I am going to love Green foot. So far, so good. 
And I am having fun playing Green foot. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Entry 20.5



Why didn't I think of that before... 
I found out by thinking outside the box for a hour. 
Without the internet's help 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Entry 20

I have questions
  1. Every time I compile, the CRAB DISAPPEARS
    1. and that ANNOYS ME VERY MUCH
  2. when I typed 
    1. if ( atWorldEdge()), when the crab goes near to the edge of the world, it rotated by itself. 
  3. move has no parameters 
  4. turn expects one parameter of type int (a whole number) for the angle
  5. boolean is a type that can hold two possible values: true or false
Exercise 2.1 
observing the crab when clicked the Run button
I see nothing since the crab is doing nothing because there is no source code 
Exercise 2.2
Make the crab move
Yes! it took me 10 minutes to figure this out because the stupid yellow highlight kept on highlighting. The problem was } thing. I put it on the wrong place AGRR
Exercise 2.3  
adding multiple crabs 
It was funny to see how all the crabs going across the world and ending at the same place. 
  • This move() is called a method call. A method call is an action that an object knows how to do. The parentheses are part of the method call and ends with a semicolon.  
Exercise 2.4
Try turn and observe 
yeah I made the crab turn it was easy to do 
Exercise 2.5 
make the crab turn left
  • The parameter is a instruction telling how many degrees the crab should turn 

That's what I did for the whole class so far. 
I think I got really far... compared to other classes I had because I was concentrated 
and was actually excited to do the Green foot. 

I talked with Mr. Daley and he told me that my blog is good :) 
which I was SO excited with ;D 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pictures (Proof that I did work)



End of Quarter Report March

End of Quarter Report for Computer Applications
March 2011

Copy this document to your Blog
Read through your previous BLogs before completing the report.
No student will receive more than 75 if this report is not completed.

End of  Quarter March 2009Please answer the questions fully in the spaces below.
NameYejun Lee 
Modulevideo and Green foot 
Has the atmosphere in the class changed since the first half of the quarter? How has it changed?um... no I think the atmosphere is the same. It is very calm and nice to work 
How have your experiences been different in the second half of the quarter? Are you more or less satisfied with your progress? Are you doing more of less work out of class?yeah I am less satisfied because I didn't get to do much or finish the Google project 
What advice can you give to students who are about to start on the module that you are just finishing? What can you say that would help them have a more effective learning experience?I think telling to set up a goal would help a lot in class. And spending time outside class would also help much in learning experience. 
What will you have achieved by the end of the module? What will you have learned? What projects will you have completed? What have you learned about yourself as a learner.I fee like I didn't do much because I didn't have a goal that I wanted to achieve. 
Imagine that you want to employ a person with the kind of information technology skills that you have.  Write one paragraph describing the skills that you (as the employer) are looking for.

Start the paragraph like this..

Our company is looking for someone who…..
Our company is looking for someone who... knows how to work with a team. We also are looking for someone who has enough skill to teach employers.
Have you contributed in any ways to the other members of this learning community?Um... yeah I guess. I had a lot of help from Anna for projects like the Google mystery. She helped me writing a script. 
What module would you like to take in the second quarter? Please explain your choice.I want more for Green Foot. I feel like I need MORE time for it. 
Your teacher will be entering a grade-in-progress in PowerSchool for end-of-quarter (mid-semester). He will be considering your performance in terms of the assessment guidelines. At this stage he will be asking about the extent to which the statements below apply to your performance in the course.Highlight the word(s) that you think describes your performance.

Look at the statements in the left column. Comment on your performance in each area. Use the questions as guidelines.

Typically this student makes effective use of class time by increasing his/her competence and confidence using software that he/she has chosen.
Are you using your time effectively? Are you learning each time you come to class? Are you becoming more competent and confident?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

I try to increase my confidence. But I have hard time working 'in class' because I am a type who prefer to study alone during night when there are no sounds or anyone around. 
He/she attends all class sessions, coming and leaving on time, making sure to make up missing time by working during free periods or at home.
Have you missed class this quarter? How many times? What have you done to make up lost time?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

I haven't missed any class so I am outstanding in this part.

His/her oral communication during class is focused on the learning tasks that he/she is engaged in.
Are your conversations in class focused on your learning tasks?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

well sometimes I talk about other things with Anna but I feel like I don't talk much... (right? :P)

His/her written communication (logs, e-mails, and reports) are done according to deadlines and contain enough information for the teacher to understand what he/she is doing, what kinds of problems he/she is facing and how he/she feels about his/her learning experiences.
Are you consistently doing your blogs? 
How does your BLog keeping compare to the first half of the quarter? Are you providing more details of your learning? Do you take care to express yourself clearly and use conventional grammar and spelling?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

This quoter, I wrote all my blog post so I think I am outstanding. I also try to write and write in details.
 and yeah I indeed am consistently doing my blog so YEP :)

During class he/she remains focused on the task at hand and generally respects the integrity of the learning environment for all students.
Do you stay on task throughout the block? Do you effectively resist temptations to use the computer for unrelated activities (other homework, e-mail, facebook, youtube, sports results, music etc.)? Do you resist temptations to takes unnecessary breaks, arrive late, leave early?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

I don't disturb others and I think I am pretty focused on my work.
Well yeah I go to Youtube to listen to music. But I don't watch any videos.
I go to Youtube for music only and often for tutorials for softwares.
I also have never been late or leave class early. So I think I am outstanding! 
He/she has positive attitudes towards acquiring technology skills, and makes a conscious effort to acquire new skills and apply them in meaningful ways.
Have you found ways to apply your skills beyond classroom exercises?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

Well I am not outstanding because I don't learn like 'tons' of new skills every class since I have a hard time to be 100% focused in a open environment.

Um. Sadly, not yet. But I think I will be able to apply my skills in the future. 
He/she is an independent learner, who tries to solve problems by himself/herself, but finds effective ways to overcome problems using a variety of other resources.
Have your become more independent as a learner? What resources are you using to learn effectively?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

I try to solve problems I find. I usually just read the text again and again to see if I am right. If I still don't get the problem, I ask the teacher.

I don't know about this class making more independent as a learner since I pretty already am a independent learner. The resources I use is mainly the paper that Mr. D gives me. 
He/she is respectful of all members of this learning community and his/her behavior is in compliance with all school policies, in particular the AUP (Appropriate Use Policy) and Academic Honesty Policy.
Are you respectful, appropriate, honest?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

I don't say any swear words to people and am respectful, appropriate and honest.

Your grade will take into account your performance in the above areas and also..

 The amount of documented learning time that you have spent in and out of class.

The amount and/or depth of material that you have covered

If full attendance, coming on time, being on-task, and leaving on time (not including any work outside class) represents 100%. Estimate what time percentage have you put into this class? (take into account any documented work that you did in school outside class time, or at home)100%
I really believe that I am outstanding those. 
To what extent will you have completed your module by the end of the quarter? How far did you get? What chapters did you cover? What projects have been completed?I covered very very little on Green Foot. And am disappointed myself that I didn't get to do much as I wanted to do. Like the Google project, I was disappointed because it got crashed... because of many obstacles. 
What was your last grade-in-progress (see PowerSchool)

To what extent does this grade reflect your overall performance

A - (95) - Outstanding
B - (85) - Good (the descriptions above apply to me)
C -(75) - Adequate
D - (65) Inadequte
I think I am more of a A-
This is an appropriate course for this student and the performance of the student is such that it can be said that the student is meeting the standards well. His/her work, on the whole, is good.
How would you rate your overall performance during the quarter?Please explain.

inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

I think I deserve a 93 because I have been acting very well but just the fact that I wasn't able to finish the Google thing and not being much a head in Green foot
What could you do to improve your performance in the second quarter?GREEN FOOT FO SURE
What module are you interested in doing during the second quarter?GREEN FOOT FO SURE
Is there any other information that you would like to provide your teacher to help decide on your grade-in-progress for the quarter?Um... nope..
but the fact that I had less than two weeks of Green foot so... that I am not that behind in Green foot. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Entry 18 chapter 2. on green foot

I did the Chapter two

I am writing this blog as I am doing with Green foot because this way, I remember 100% what I am doing
  • move just makes the crab move right and when it goes to the end of the world, it continues to go right. lol
  • turn 
  • Highlighting this happened to me when I wrote move(20); I don't know why it's like that but ugh. At least I learned what happens if I write something wrong; it doesn't compile and highlights. 
  • Documentation was used to learn more what the animal can do
So far, I don't find the Green Foot fun or exciting unlike M.M. I think GreenFoot is something that I need more time playing and discovering. So um... yeah. GreenFoot, isn't that boring yet and I am spending half of my free block time on Green Foot so...I believe Green foot will be fun after few... (or many) lessons. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Entry 18th

Today, I did the first chapter 1 of Green Foot.
I am writing this post right now in class so I can like note important things and think back and stuff.

  • The first project was about this wombat thing. I have no idea how to make a wombat explode. And I am not sure if I am suppose to make a wombat explode. 
  • The link is over here.
  • The important thing in chapter 1 were
  • Chapter 1 Getting to know Greenfoot
    The Greenfoot Interface
    Interacting with Objects
    Invoking methods
    running a scenario

    method call
    return value

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Entry 17th (Green foot chap1)

YAY I started my Green foot

Although I really wanted to do the video thing with Anna, Michael and Josh, I didn't do it since I thought I had to start the Green foot. (It was hard to say no... ;'( but I really need to start it now... to go to the AP course. \

So yeah :P
When I downloaded Green Foot, I was surprised to see the simple main screen. I thought Green foot would be something about more buttons and stuff like primer pro or photoshop. 
But  I realized that 
In chapter one, 1, the package was about the Java languages and introduction about Java. 
This is the things I learned. 
  • You need Java to run Green foot
  • the world, the class diagram, the execution controls are main things at the main green foot screen. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Entry 16.


I like ISST for no reason :P 
except the Tennis ISST, I have plenty of reasons to like that!

Since it was ISST, I won't deny the fact that I went to the gym for 30 minutes to see our team play with this other team...during...  (don't kill me Mr. D! D:) 
and.. thats why Anna couldn't do the film... (don't kill me Anna! D:) 
and thats why our group, didn't proceed with our project... (don't kill me Josh! D:)

So the first 30 minutes, I went to the gym and watched the game 
the next 30 minutes, this time, one of the people, I do not remember, was missing. So we couldn't film. So instead, I watched videos about After Effect tutorials (even though I am going to do the Alice and the Green foot thing.) This is the link I watched. 
I didn't do any experiments because I just wanted to see how this whole picture works.

I kinda watched all the video from the guy who made this tutorials. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Entry 15.

Balagan is the word to describe today. hahaha

I will write exactly what happened. 

  1. I thought I had to wear my gray wool sweater to appear same on the movie we recorded on Friday. But it turned out that it wasn't the gray wool sweater. It was supposed to be a demi shit. 
  2. Anna borrowed a camera from the tech department. However, when we got to the location where we wanted to film, it turns out that there is no battery in the camera. So Anna and I had to go back to the tech department to get a battery inside the camera. 
  3. Anna and I waited outside for 5 minutes for Michael and Josh to come. It turns out that Michael wasn't ready for the filming and Josh was to bothered to come upstairs and tell us. 
  4. It turns out that there will be no sparkling in this video. (HOW SAD)
  5. Well we are not doing it because we don't know how to make it sparkle
  6. I think there was a problem in Anna's Mac, because we had to wait like 10 minutes to load a 10 SECOND video 
  7. Michael refused to record. 
  8. Anna got annoyed. 
  9. Josh and I didn't know what to do.
  10. I started to learn Adobe Primer CS3 after effects. I am learning it because I want to have a grip of what 'real' video editing is like. 
  11. I also started because I wanted to learn cool tricks. 
  12. Next class, I am going to learn more about this software by learning from tutorials. 
  13. The link I used to learn today was 

there are really cool videos like 


Friday, March 4, 2011

Entry 14.

Wow! It's already the 14th class! 

From now on, I am going to write it a bigger font because it's easier to read and write. 

Today, Anna unexpectedly told me that the act we did last class was horrible. So to improve our acting skills and to augment our video quality, we re-did the act from the beginning. At first, to me personally, it was depressing to hear. However, since I couldn't lament my feelings, I didn't mourn and followed Anna's direction. 

When we were just about to tell the other fellers about acting again, Charles told that he is very indeed enervated from school and that he also has a project that he vehemently wants to finish. So, with all our sorrows and respect, Charles denied our request. However, thankfully, John pleaded me if he could rejoin our project because in retrospect, he regrets our invitation. 

Since it was our second time in acting, it was much comfortable and less awkward to act. We also did less NGs. 

However, since we started to redo our video one hour before school ended, we didn't have enough time to finish the whole act. So next class, we are going to finish our act and I hope we would start editing. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Entry 13

Sorry. I am a day late.. writing my post. sorry...
Basically yesterday, what I did was I filmed during the whole class.
So its not a exaggeration if I say I didn't do anything but recorded the acts and things.
Well.. we (Anna and I) did touch some parts of the script for few seconds and stuff but not that much.
We only touched the ending part and grammer mistakes.

Just before we started to record the video, Johnathon told me that he doesn't want to do it since it's too CHILDISH. So Charles did the act instead of Charles :)

The whole picture of the video acting thing went really well since the actors and actresses were successful at it lol

Tomorrow, Anna and Josh are going start editing and I will have to start a new project... since I am not a pro in editing videos.
maybe, I should download the Adobe video editing thing that they use and start learning by video tutorals.

See, Mr. D, what I want to do for my project is

its this type.
I want to take bits and pieces and make a video of my awesome school WBAIS..
So I could show to my Korean schools and my relatives. . .
My plan is to borrow a video camera in school to do that and to record my days in this school

so like I want to record all my classes and this will take like two days since I want to record
A block to H block.

But do you think I can borrow a video camera for two days?
I can't really use mine because its really low quality and the sound doesnt' work very well...