Sunday, August 28, 2011

Chapter 1&2 questions

(Click the link)
Chapter 1 question table 
(I couldn't do the half of chapter one because it doesn't allow me to compile)
Chapter 2 question table

Chapter 1 test

Post the code for Box and an image of your pezant in your blog.
2. Write a paragraph to explain what you did in order to create the pezant. In your explanation use each of the terms appearing in the "concept summary" of chapter 21 on page 16. Highlight the terms in the paragraph.
I went through a lot of stuff do create the multicolored pezant. To be honest, I knew what I had to do. I knew that I had to create a new class called Box, which had the same code as Square except the parameters, and write the whole pezant code in a new class called 'Picture.' However, I had no idea how to make the arms, legs and the body in my 'Picture' class. Well yes Mr. Daly told me that I can just plagerize the code from the example. But I still didn't fully understand how I could make the codes in my picture class. 
From this test, I learned how to create codes to make the pezant. 
I also learned exactly what a parameter means. 
It's something you can return. lol 

But um anyway, the point is that I  DID IT. 

Answer this question in your blog
multiple instances
source code

Sunday, August 21, 2011

About Coding bat

Remember last time when I told you that I don't understand what the question is asking? 
Well don't worry. I understand what they are all talking about. 
I understand! yay 

And for the most problems, I used the solution button.. because I needed help in the beginning. 

So just for myself, I am going to write few stuff I need to remember. 

! not
== not same
* times
|| or 

but I don't like coding bat... 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

3rd class

Today we did CodingBat nearHundred, Makes10, missing Char
Fortunately, I understood Makes10 because the question was really simple and clear.
However, I didn't perfectly understand missing Char, which was about the Kitten and the n value.
I mean, what is a char?
and what does a substring do?
I am so confused with those.

I also have a problem with understanding what the hell the question is asking me to do.
For example,
Given a non-empty string and an int n, return a new string where the char at index n has been removed. The value of n will be a valid index of a char in the original string (i.e. n will be in the range 0..str.length()-1 inclusive).

missingChar("kitten", 1) → "ktten"
missingChar("kitten", 0) → "itten"
missingChar("kitten", 4) → "kittn"

what is a index n? least I have a star lol

Java > Warmup-1 chance

Java > Warmup-1 > sumDouble
prev | next | chance

Given two int values, return their sum. Unless the two values are the same, then return double their sum.

sumDouble(1, 2) → 3
sumDouble(3, 2) → 5
sumDouble(2, 2) → 8

what does return their sum?

Chapter 1 Question Table

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chapter 1.1~1.8

Main concepts

  • objects
  • methods
  • classes
  • parameters
1.1 Objects and classes
1.2 Object bench
names of classes are started with capital letters (Circle) and names of objects with lowercase letters (circle1) helps to distinguish 
1.3 Calling methods
1.4 Parameters
1.5 string type indicates that a section of text is expected 
strings are always enclosed within double quotes
1.6 Multiple instances
You change an attribute of an object by calling a method on that object 
methods can have any number of parameters
1.7 State
The set of values of all attributes defining an object is also referred to as the objects state
object inspector
1.8 What is in an object?
Objects of the same class all have the same fields
Boolean is a type that can represent two values: true and false

Mr. Daly, I didn't write much because these are things I learned in Green foot 
I also wrote down exactly what the book wrote because I wanted to have the perfect meaning... 

Sorry... My official first class!

Sorry Mr. Daly for writing my post one day late.
I had soooo many things going in my mind, I had no time...
My first day was fine I guess 
I must admit that I had various feelings going through my mind during the 90 minute class.
The first 30minutes, I was stuck at the tech department to get internet. 
When I finally got back to class, I had three main thoughts and worries going through my mind. 
Situation 1. When Google went up to the desk and started to type codes in really fast without hesitating for a moment, I started to think 'Omg I think I came to the wrong class'
Situation 2. and then when Noah and the rest of the class started to talk about the code to be fit in the exercise, I was like 'OMG. I defiantly DID COME TO THE WRONG CLASS'
and then started to panic badly
What made me more scared was... 
Feeling stupid and clueless for the first 40minutes of the class (lol)

While one part of my brain was panicking madly, I began to think about the time and effort I spent on Green foot
and decided to at least try hard to understand the class..................... lol 
So yeah in the end, I understood how the code thingy works.. (like when they go to the next line of code)
I am just very clue-less about creating code. 
which, I need to put masssssive amount of time on. 
that's my hand on the left and Green foot's hand on the right

Monday, August 15, 2011

Finally in AP computer science!

Hello everyone. 
Today was my first day at school. 
And at AP computer science class!
Despite the fact that I am the only girl in this class, I am not sad. nor angry. 
The class has 8people 
3_9th grader.. I mean 10th grader! 
4_11th grader
1_12th grader
Although mr. Daly told me that this class isn't hard, I am still like the image below...

So I guess the only way I will survive as a woman, is to study... and study.. hard. like the image below

I love text books... :P (No sarcasm..I am dead serious!)