Main concepts
- objects
- methods
- classes
- parameters
1.1 Objects and classes
1.2 Object bench
names of classes are started with capital letters (Circle) and names of objects with lowercase letters (circle1) helps to distinguish
1.3 Calling methods
1.4 Parameters
1.5 string type indicates that a section of text is expected
strings are always enclosed within double quotes
1.6 Multiple instances
You change an attribute of an object by calling a method on that object
methods can have any number of parameters
1.7 State
The set of values of all attributes defining an object is also referred to as the objects state
object inspector
1.8 What is in an object?
Objects of the same class all have the same fields
Boolean is a type that can represent two values: true and false
Mr. Daly, I didn't write much because these are things I learned in Green foot
I also wrote down exactly what the book wrote because I wanted to have the perfect meaning...