Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14th

I have a problem.
It's big and I don't understand why this is happening.
The problem is that sometimes the object I want to move and colour in doesn't work.
So when there is a white circle, and I want to make a blue face on it, it doesn't allow me to paint over it.
When ever that happens, I just copy the previous frame and stuff... but it's requires a lot of mouse clicks.

Today, I worked on my cat movement.
It's fun to work with! Also, I realized that I don't need my tablet to draw. Drawing with the mouse isn't that hard to do!:)

I focused on the cat's movements and positions.

so as you can see, a cat has many movements.

my goal is go make a good animation that includes all the movements above : >

Also, today was the best day ever!!!
Niv was quite and the class room felt very peaceful and concentrated
I think Niv should take a test every class.
It's so peaceful without him♥

Helpful links

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 12th

I did my mid quarter report and worked on my new project called 'Pat on a cat'
I started it over the weekend. So it has the basic figures and I know what the story line is going to be.
This project is going to  focus only on the movement of the cat and the person.
I am trying to make the leg look it's walking. Real walking. like this

I know I can make this movements with the bone tool but I don't understand exactly how the damn bone tool works. So I experimented for a while trying to figure out.. and I think I did..

Um. also, I have Niv in my math class and I am terrified because I know he is going to pick on me today.
I am planning to give a rose on valentines day for him.
I hope sending him a rose and a fake love letter will make him hate me less.
Ugh.oh Niv.
Oh, did you know, there is a bible study guide called

I know. I must SHOW THIS TO HIM!!!

this just makes more sense as you scroll down the image page on google when you type 'niv'

hahahahahhahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahhahahh ( I found in google)

Mid Quarter report

Mid Quarter December 2010Please answer the questions fully in the spaces below.
NameYejun Lee
ModuleFlash CS5
Summarize what you have achieved in the first half of this quarter.I learned the basic of the flash tools and learned how to make animation by flash.

Please indicate any days that you know you will be missing between now and the end of the course.
I never ever missed a class and never will. 
Describe what you expect to achieve by the end of the module? How much material will you have covered? What projects will you completed?
I am expecting to have a complete 2minute animation before the winter vacation. 
Your teacher will be entering a grade-in-progress in PowerSchool for mid-quarter. He will be considering your performance in terms of theassessment guidelines. At this stage he will be asking about the extent to which the statements below apply to your performance in the course.Comment below if you feel there has been a change since mid-semester.
Typically this student makes effective use of class time by increasing his/her competence and confidence using software that he/she has chosen.
Are you using your time effectively? Are you learning each time you come to class? Are you becoming more competent and confident?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

I used the online resource to find new tools and ideas. 

He/she attends all class sessions, coming and leaving on time, making sure to make up missing time by working during free periods or at home.
Have you missed class this quarter? How many times? What have you done to make up lost time?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

Okay, I have been late only once.

His/her oral communication during class is focused on the learning tasks that he/she is engaged in.
Are your conversations in class focused on your learning tasks?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)
I don't talk to others like Niv and Liam does. I don't talk about basketball. I talk to Segev about flash. 

His/her written communication (logs, e-mails, and reports) are done according to deadlines and contain enough information for the teacher to understand what he/she is doing, what kinds of problems he/she is facing and how he/she feels about his/her learning experiences.
Are you consistently doing your blogs?
How does your BLog keeping compare to the first half of the quarter? Are you providing more details of your learning? Do you take care to express yourself clearly and use conventional grammar and spelling? Are you using images, videos, links to illustrate the work that you are doing? Are you satisfied that your blog reflects the
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

I have never been late with my blog posting. I always wrote it in that day and I try hard to write interestingly as possible. Unlike my Tralala blog, it's quite hard to write humorous..

During class he/she remains focused on the task at hand and generally respects the integrity of the learning environment for all students.
Do you stay on task throughout the block? Do you effectively resist temptations to use the computer for unrelated activities (other homework, e-mail, facebook, youtube, sports results, music etc.)? Do you resist temptations to take unnecessary breaks, arrive late, leave early? Are all your interactions with other students focused on the task at hand?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

YES. I REALLY DO RESPECT others unlike Niv. Unlike Niv, I don't talk to others and do 'pep talks' 
I don't talk about basketball and make others piss off by my voice, I don't walk around randomly for 20minutes outside during class, I don't go to the bathroom for hours unlike Niv. So compared to Niv, I am a white angel. I have no wrong doings what so ever. 

He/she has positive attitudes towards acquiring technology skills, and makes a conscious effort to acquire new skills and apply them in meaningful ways.
Are you acquiring new skills each class? Are you effectively documenting these in your blog? Have you found ways to apply your skills beyond classroom exercises?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

Yes I make effort to acquire new skills. But I am not very good at applying them in real life..I just like adding things to my knowledge. 

He/she is an independent learner, who tries to solve problems by himself/herself, but finds effective ways to overcome problems using a variety of other resources.
Have your become more independent as a learner? What resources are you using to learn effectively?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

Yeah.. I think I am a independent learner. I don't wait for the teacher to come and help me..I usually solve byself or by Segev's help.

He/she is respectful of all members of this learning community and his/her behavior is in compliance with all school policies, in particular the AUP (Appropriate Use Policy) and Academic Honesty Policy.
Are you respectful, appropriate, honest? Do you make sure that your behavior does not interfere with the learning of others to by distracting them from their work?
inadequate adequate good outstanding
(highlight and comment)

Yes I act appropriate, respectful and honest. I am sure me working doesn't interfere others. 

Your grade will take into account your performance in the above areas and also..
The amount of documented learning time that you have spent in and out of class.

The amount and/or depth of material that you have covered

What is your grade-in-progress (see PowerSchool)?

Typically if the grade is in the 80s your overall performance has been good. If your grade is in the 70s your performance has been adequate.

How would you describe your overall performance at this point? Is your assessment in-line with the assessment of your instructor?
I am fine with my grade. It shows how I am working. 
Is there any other information that you would like to provide your teacher to help decide on your grade-in-progress?I don't really have anything to say. I just want to say that Liam isn't really the problem in our class. Niv is.. (Just to clarify)
Also, my goal grade is 100 for this class. I dont know how I am going to achieve but if I continue with my project and finish it by the semester, I guess I will get what I want. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 8th

I was 15 minutes late to class today T-T I am sorry
I don't really have a reason.. I forgot about the time because I was with mrs. Sagiv...
So yeah. that's my story.

I don't really have much to write. I mean I just continued doing my work and found out this tool called the pattern tool. It makes patterns by itself!

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 6th

So...I am a bit confused about my story..
I don't know what I am confused about.
I just don't feel enthusiastic any more!
But don't worry. I will finish the story by this week

I tried to use this new tool called 'Fish Bone'

Although the tutorial is for CS4, I figured out that it doesn't matter much.
I just can't wait until my story is overrr


are really helpful links I am planning to use

Sunday, December 4, 2011

About my grade

Hi Mr. Daly! I really don't understand something.
Why did I get a 86?
I thought we decided to give me a 92...
If there is a big reason why, please comment!! because I am dying to know how I can improve..
or are you continuing with your plan of giving me one point higher every time?


Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2nd

I deleted more than two third of the flash I made because I didn't like my work
To get inspired, I searched on youtube to see what a good flash looks like.
This video was the answer.
As you can see, this is animation.

After watching this, I decided to totally change the story line.
I will be focusing on Jame's walk and movements only.

here is an okay link I found. I learned this new tool called an onion skin. It shows you the preview of your animations.