Thursday, May 5, 2011

D-10 till the last class

The reason why I am writing D-11 and D-10 as my title, is because I am not counting the class to end, it's because I want to finish chapter 6 by that day. 
another lame joke
"Why did the foot say to the other foot?"
'Ha ha! we are both Green!"
and that's how Greenfoot started... 

ahh okay so! I am on chapter 5 now, about the pianos. 
5.3 : Abstraction: creating multiple keys 
and the why we are doing this is because they all react to the same keyboard key and all produce the same note
btw, I think this book author is a funny guy because 
"When writing computer programs, writing code that can solve one very specific task- such as finding the square root of 1,764 or playing a middle-a piano key sound- is well and good..."

ahha his funny~ 
okay so I won't get any distracted :P 

I hate it when they show you the staring of a solution instead of the whole solution
so I need to add sound to each key... eww...

but I don't get it 

but I asked Mr. Daley and he helped me a lot 
so I can do it now! 

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