Friday, November 18, 2011

November 16th

My first project is going to be this: making my logo glow

This ended up horribly. First, this 'step by step' isn't technically 'step by step' for beginners.
I tried this 10times and read the procedure I was stuck on at least 10 times. I do not understand.

I hate. the. internet.
I hate it so much.

There are these types of advertising sites that has a title of  'cs3 flash tutorials' and has bunch of porn links.
nothing works and google seriously needs to start deleting sites and blogs that has trash informations.
I am dead serious. I recently saw a video how if you weigh the information online, it will be 50g. And 50g is A LOT.
that is the video I saw. 

I hope one day in the future, you won't have to click hundreds of links to find the right source. 
Btw, I am not a bad researcher. I know all those 'tricks' for searching up online. You can put ""s on words or quote, write - for things you dont want and stuff. But there just are tooo ooooo many information online to do it perfectly. 

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